Welcome to Mountain Fellowship! Located atop beautiful Signal Mountain, Tennessee, we are a church who loves Jesus and our community. We are a fellowship of believers knitted together with a common heart to worship, serve, pray and be together.

"Sharing God's Deep Gladness in Renewing All Things." This mission statement was born out of a year of wrestling through the questions of why we desire to gather in our particular community on Signal Mountain. While our questions focused a bit on the who, what, and where, we discovered that our statement was less about us and more about the character of God. We found encouragement in our theology of Christ's embodiment, his incarnation.

Mountain Fellowship worships on Sunday mornings at Bachman Community Center. We strive to be a safe and encouraging place for fellow sinners to repent and believe, to worship, and to find sanctuary and fellowship. "Come as you are; you are loved," embodies our casual, laid-back style. We have Bible Studies for men & women, a Middle/High School Youth Group, Nursery and Children's Chapel. A deeply rooted small group ministry is at our core and we love our fellowship time together, including potlucks, picnics, cookouts and Christmas parties.

We are involved corporately and individually in various local and global ministries, from food drives to support our neighbors on Signal Mountain, to campus ministers in Washington State and missionaries around the world. Our body seeks to be authentic in worship and in action, and to love our neighbors well. We affirm that our place is social, and because our God is relational, we anticipate meeting Him in the places of our calling.

We worship weekly on Sunday mornings in the rented auditorium of the Bachman Community Center, a historical brick building that at one time was an elementary school. We are committed to solid biblical preaching and reformed teaching. We love to worship corporately and value having a talented and eclectic worship team that includes experienced musicians alongside many of our own children. We love old hymns set to an acoustic, folksy flavor music. We value including ancient creeds and contemporary confessions in our liturgy. Taking communion is a highlight of our service, and we participate in this sacrament almost every week. Nursery and Children's Chapel are available during the worship service, but we are also comfortable with having infants and other children in the service. We value long greeting times during our Sunday services and lingering conversation afterward. Come worship and fellowship with us!